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Messages - Ice_Drake1

Oh, Game Designers originally inherited from Regular Members and made unique afterward with the extra permissions. Regular Members can see Helpdesk, but not Workdesk, which is correct...but I don't understand why Game Designers can't see Workdesk when they are supposed to.

Quote from: venguard223 on August 11, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
How's the department configured? Where is it not visible, exactly? for the department configuration, it is shown on the first visual. The whole Helpdesk department is completely hidden for Game Designers. It is not shown in under General nor is it shown in Helpdesk tab as if they don't have access to it at all.

Here is a better visual of the permission for the two departments:

Membergroup "Alpha Testers" are having the same problem.
I am not sure what you mean by "What kind of membergroup is Game Designers?". I think you are referring that it is a specially assigned membergroup that has more permission than a regular member.

Here is a visual of the departments I am talking about:

Here is a visual of editing the role of Helpdesk Users:
That is what I thought about, too. So I double check the permission to see if it is correct, but I see no problem.

I have two departments: Helpdesk and Workdesk.

Helpdesk Users and Helpdesk Staffs are part of Helpdesk, and Workdesk Users and Workdesk Staffs are part of Workdesk. The membergroup I am having trouble with is Game Designers. I set them to be part of Helpdesk Users and Workdesk Staffs, but they only see Workdesk...they don't see Helpdesk.

Helpdesk Users and Workdesk Users are based on default Helpdesk Users permission, and Workdesk Users and Workdesk Staffs are based on default Helpdesk Staffs permission.
Hi, I tried to search around the forum for answers to my problem, but I have no luck.

Right now, I am using SMF 2.0.2 with SimpleDesk 2.0 installed along with many other mods. I recently found out that my staffs don't have access to both departments I assigned them to. As an administrator, it makes sense to see both departments, but other users only see one of the two departments. I figured that it must be a bug, so I am here asking for help to fix this problem.