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Messages - SleePy

What about the search is bad?
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Bug Profile Ticket Content
December 07, 2015, 04:52:40 PM
Partially fixed by changing the other fix I did.
Added these changes in.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Re-order custom fields
December 07, 2015, 04:13:47 PM
Looking at this, I'm not sure how Gruffen wanted to keep it in the admin only changes.  Changing the order of the values forces us to have to reorder their index.  This causes a problem because we have to track the old ID and new IDs and then run a query against the values used in tickets in another table to make sure they still point to the same proper IDs.

Only 2 ways I see of doing this are:
1. Add a "order" array to the stored values that tracks the order of the ids, then have the GUI bring this out in the proper order
2. Do as I mentioned above, keep track of the old IDs and new IDs (keeping track of their order changes) and then update the values used.

The first is fairly easy to do, but requires updating all interfaces where we can edit the custom fields on the user side (not many places it seems).
The second requires no user side changes but does require more working with the database to fix everything.  Best idea I have is to use a transaction and temporarily increase the values by the max value number (so if we have 101 values, it would bump all ids by 101 making the min 102 and max 202), then resort old id to new id. This would have to keep track of all the unused as well still.
All Fixed up.
Site Comments / Re: CAPTCHA
December 07, 2015, 03:24:29 PM
I can lower it to 2.  Rarely get spam here.  Have a few mods in place that help with that.
1. Isn't the updated column basically that without a differential between last updated and todays date?

3. I remember reading this was kept separate on purpose.  I could see it being where helpdesk creates a ticket for the developers.  Helpdesk is a different department from developers, so these should appear in different sections for tickets you opened to work with developers and tickets you are working with for helpdesk/end users.
4. Not sure what your saying here?

SimpleDesk Support / Re: Bugs in SimpleDesk-SSI.php
November 29, 2015, 11:42:32 PM
What I am focusing on is getting it working with SMF 2.1 and maybe some other changes if I can/have time to add stuff.  With all the openness I've put into the development, maybe some other coders have ideas or changes they want to submit.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: r537: Undefined index: label
November 29, 2015, 11:39:27 PM
Ok, tracked and will investigate
Ok, marking solved then.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Bug Profile Ticket Content
November 29, 2015, 11:37:58 PM
Will work on getting this added.  BTW you don't need to add [Github] to the title.  That is done when I push it over.
Don't see why not.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: 2.0 Ticket details width
November 29, 2015, 07:24:46 PM
This can be set with CSS changes, don't think this should be a UI option.  I have added the ability to do a custom css now.  Just add helpdesk_custom.css to your theme css directory and make your changes there. Install/Uninstalling SimpleDesk will not remove this file.

shd_ticket_side_column {
    float: left;
    width: 255px;
    margin-right: 20px;