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Messages - Spoogs

SimpleDesk Tracker / Admin Log
June 01, 2011, 10:37:54 AM
Admin logging logging all admin actions such as created/deleted dept, CF's, CR's, Roles etc.
This log should only be visible to forum admin though.

Adding to SMF admin log might work though I'd much prefer a log dedicated for SD (easier to browse without having to go through SMF stuff).
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re-order custom fields
May 31, 2011, 09:53:34 PM
Quote from: Spoogs on May 26, 2011, 09:51:58 AM
I read about this somewhere in SMF, possibly custom profile fields about re-ordering them. Is this something that would be possible in SD without too much trouble?

Easy example
Using SD as a tracker, you use version numbers as a category (just so you can filter when needed) you have:
1.0, 1.1,1.2, 2.0... but as you go along you realize there needs to be a 1.01 but you'd like to place it after 1.0 so essentially you have to reorder the values... what happens now when you try to reorder is that your existing tickets pick up the new values.
Quote from: Gruffen on May 26, 2011, 10:11:27 AM

Random idea just struck me about how it *might* actually be possible without crazy amounts of work. Need to let it percolate through brain a bit longer, not quite caffeinated enough yet.
Quote from: Gruffen on May 26, 2011, 10:14:43 AM
I'm not convinced it'll be added before 2.0 final, but if it's done right it shouldn't even require changing anything outside the admin area.
Quote from: Gruffen on May 26, 2011, 01:30:53 PM
What happens with inactive items? I'm inclined to display them, but not editably, and still have the UI let you reorder them.
Quote from: Spoogs on May 26, 2011, 01:46:51 PM
That works... honestly hadnt thought about that part :P, just hoping the logic that applies to them still being visible on tickets until edited would be preserved.
Quote from: Gruffen on May 26, 2011, 01:50:30 PM
Ah, see, that's the thing.

The values are still present, merely hidden away. There is an argument to be made, can go either way, about whether the fields get preserved but bumped to the end of the list, or whether they are still accessible for the purposes of ordering.

Fact is, they will be present either way, it's just what's done with them.
Quote from: Spoogs on May 26, 2011, 01:52:14 PM
Bumping them to the bottom of the list sounds like the way to go
Quote from: Gruffen on May 26, 2011, 02:22:45 PM
Works for me since I can keep it essentially silent in running because those values never have to be exposed to the user.

If I squeeze it in it'll be a last minute thing, because I should buckle down with the three other outstanding items first :P
SimpleDesk Tracker / Success Confirmation
May 31, 2011, 09:21:03 AM
Much like changing you HD Profile preferences, changing the admin options should also display a nice success conformation. Far too many times I've looked away for a sec or even blinked :P and had to wonder if I already clicked the button... though the work around is simply just click again to be sure.

Change some options, click save, see success confirmation would be a nice little touch I think.
Ability to change categories without having to edit tickets. Also if the category is changed in a reply it should update the category on ticket as well.

Oh crap more custom field stuff
Spoogs runs and hides

Edit... maybe the same could apply to prefixes that are select/radio/multi-select as well
As discussed here... additional statuses for SD
Closed/Not Resolved - allows a ticket to be closed but strictly stating that the issue was not resolved
On-Hold - putting a ticket in limbo, not currently active but not closed or deleted either.
General Discussion / Re: Simple Desk Reminiscing
November 29, 2014, 08:51:19 PM
*Spoogs also wonders where this dam thing is hidden  :P
General Discussion / Re: Simple Desk Reminiscing
November 27, 2014, 11:12:49 AM
Hey fellas

Been busy, not a whole lot else going on between work and family and pretty much spent these days.
SimpleDesk Support / Re: private board
November 22, 2014, 02:44:03 AM
If by board you mean Department then this is already possibly, Create a department and ensure that your permission allow the right Roles (and groups) can only view their own tickets. Make sure your staff roles can see all the tickets. Forum admin can already see all tickets.
SimpleDesk Support / Re: Please Help.. Blank Site
February 05, 2014, 12:16:02 PM
A little more info would be useful.
The only issue I see with how permissions are done in SD is that user are used to how SMF does it by the time they get to SD so they are expecting similar. We never did get around to documenting SD for public use so the support questions well just makes sense. The permissions are certainly a new approach and without an FAQ  of sorts I'm actually shocked that there hasn't been more support topics than I've seen.

Also note that usually once a user grasps the concept of dealing with the roles/permissions/departments thats pretty much it. Effectively I say there is nothing wrong with this approach to permissions and the issue is more the lack of documentation for 2.0.
All newly registered members are automatically in the regular members group unless you are using a mod to do otherwise. Newbie is a post count group and has no effect in the help-desk. SimpleDesk is not installed here so I'm not sure what you mean by its working here.

Visit the permissions section in SimpleDesk and set the permissions the way you want them.
SimpleDesk Support / Re: insert quick reply not working
September 13, 2012, 12:13:14 AM
glad you got it resolved, i meant to ask if you had a backup but lucky for you you did
SimpleDesk Support / Re: insert quick reply not working
September 10, 2012, 12:28:32 AM
So it was working then suddenly stopped working?

Something had to have changed, did you add anew mod or something. we need more info than it just stopped working.
SimpleDesk Support / Re: Report to Moderator
August 17, 2012, 02:12:57 PM
It was because it had to be done via BBC where as you believe the average helpdesk would not have had BBC enabled. I think I even convinced you to add support for linking to topic and user but we just never got around to it.
Well we havent found the source just yet but rather able to reproduce the bug. As Ven said, if'when he gets the chance he may look into it.

Thanks for the report but just like you for right now we all wait... as you may have noticed development has been rather nil for a bit.