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Messages - SleePy

I've got limited time these days, so most likely not.
Out of the box there isn't such a feature.  You can create multiple roles, and assign those roles to membergroups and departments.  That will limit what users/staff see.

A plugin could be made that does this, but one doesn't exist far as I know.
This is a SMF bug:

Once that is fixed this will work properly.
All fixed, thanks!
I did a commit to fix the hooks not installing/uninstalling correctly.  But I can't reproduce your issue.  It works fine for me.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: New Design Frontpage
December 14, 2015, 10:45:39 PM
Looks good, feel free to.
All done.  I submitted this for you:

Hopefully that helps give a picture of how to work with Git and GitHub.
Heres a quick tutorial on how to do Git Submissions with
Our Git repository is at:

After navigating there you will need to fork the repository to your own profile.
"GitHub Profile with SimpleDesk"

Copy the HTTPS or SSH address into your clipboard.
"GitHub Clone Action"

In choose New Repository
"Source Tree Setup New repo"

For this we will clone from URL
"Source Tree with Clone from URL selected"

Fill out the information
"Source Tree New Clone from URL Window"
"Example of Source Tree with data filled out"

All work should be done in branches.  It makes it easier to work with additional separate commits.  You should have the master branch checked out when creating a new branch.
"New Branch Action"
"New Branch Popup window"
"New Branch Completed"

At this point you are safe to make changes.  You are working on your local branch.  When you are ready to make commits return to
"Files modified showing in Source Tree"

Select all the files you wish to include in the commit, Setup your commit message and Choose Sign Off from the commit options (far as I can tell in SourceTree this option persists only from the same branch while running SourceTree and is reset easily).  Using the keyword "Fixes #1234" Causes the issue to be closed once the PR is approved.  Just using the reference causes a notice about a reference to the issue.
"Local Files modified"

Now that you have committed you will want to push changes back up to your repository.  Choose Push and make sure to select your repository and working branch (avoid submitting changes to master).
"Pushing to GitHub"

Back on GitHub you will see a new button showing up on your repository.  Click the Compare & pull request button to start the process.
"GitHub with new PR button"

Make sure you have the proper branches selected.  Fill out your commit message.
"New PR screen"

Once you do that, the new issue is created under the SimpleDesk issues.  As you can see, if the PR is mergable and you have rights to the repository to make changes, a simple merge button exists.
"New PR screen valid"

Now your repository will not stay in sync with SimpleDesks without intervention.  As you can see from this example, it does not have the latest commits from the master SimpleDesk repository.
"Source Tree showing your branch committed"

Make sure to change back to the default branch.  Choose Repository and Repository Settings.  The location of this may differ for the Windows edition of SourceTree
"Source Tree Repository settings"

Click Add on Repository
"Source Tree Respository settings popup"

Name it upstream (or anyname and use the url: [email protected]:SimpleDesk/SimpleDesk.git
"Making new remote"

After adding it, fetch the new repository
"Fetching new remote repository"

Now pull changes down, make sure to bring it from the upstream's proper branch.  It will merge into your current working branch.
"Pulling down the changes"

Now push changes back up to your (origin) repository and proper branch
"Pushing changes back to your master branch"

At this point you are synced with the master repo.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Admin Log
December 11, 2015, 11:30:30 PM
This has its initial addition into the code base
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: r537: Undefined index: label
December 11, 2015, 01:17:24 AM
I still can't replicate this.  Are you running the latest 2.1 from git or the beta?
Is this all the places we have such strings?

What SMF started doing and I will implement is using it like such:

$txt['shd_maint_zero_tickets'] = '%1$d ticket were found with invalid ids, they have all been given new ids, the next available id numbers.';
$txt['shd_maint_zero_tickets_plural'] = '%2$d tickets were found with invalid ids, they have all been given new ids, the next available id numbers.';

Its simple and easy to understand when plural is seen.

In the admin area, I am not so worried about these.  Ones such as the maintenance ones could just be skipped for ease.  I know it may sound weird in another language to use a plural word with a quantity of 1, but it comes down to making it grammatically correct for administrators or users, I tend to try to focus on users.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Re-order custom fields
December 10, 2015, 10:56:26 PM
Yea, I wish I could see what he was thinking we could do.  My notes may have been a unforeseen issue though.  I think going with 1 makes it easier as we then just show them via the order we tack onto the existing array.
I'm no GUI expert but I believe this is because we float dt and dd side by side.  If you do 50% it will auto wrap down a line in most cases.  40% is a safe room to allow the browser to "resize" the widths and prevent this.
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: Undefined index: new
December 10, 2015, 10:50:07 PM
Actually the fix is in the source, I did a bad when adding a new feature in.  Fixed it up in revision 8d34434
SimpleDesk Tracker / Re: [Fixed] Page numbering not work
December 10, 2015, 09:36:44 PM
All fixed up.  Fixed a few other things while testing this.