So I was thinking back to a help desk on my old host's site, and whenever a staff replied to a customer's topic, you'd always see a greeting to the customer, their message, and then followed by a salutation. It would always be like that, and so it got me thinking. What if SD could automatically do something like that? Here's an example.
It could be inserted into the text area, or it can be added in afterwards. So the output would be something like this...
Does this sound possible?
Hi {$customer_name},
{$message body}
It could be inserted into the text area, or it can be added in afterwards. So the output would be something like this...
Hi Arantor,
SimpleDesk is close to release, so I suggest you have the latest version of SMF installed to experience the mod fully and enjoyably. Should you need help with anything, please let us know.
Does this sound possible?