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Messages - Spoogs

In the forum itself, you can create a new membergroup. You can then add your test account to that group. Once you do that, you can make that new group a part of the staff role you already created.
Create a new group called staff or something like that add it to that staff role in SD move your gmod tester to that group and see if anything changes
Yes they should see the number indicating a new ticket.

Is your gmod test user the same as your regular member user? Also, can your gmod see the ticket at all?
Quote from: Grammy on June 06, 2016, 10:37:09 PM
I've racked my brains and there's only one thing I can think of...  I had an earlier thread here:

We wanted to change it from "Help Desk" to "Medical Desk" (although not in the admin area, just in the forum).  So, maybe I edited something incorrectly in the languages file that may be affecting this?  Is that a possibility?

assuming you did as suggested that should not affect it either
There arent too many forum permissions that affect SD from what I remember.

This has me scratching my head just a bit.

I have only 3 members on my test site right now.
I admin, 1 g mod, and 1 reg.

I posted a new tick with my reg, log in with my G mod (staff) and I can see it and interact with it kust fine.
I cant think of anything that would cause such a conflict so I dont think you need to do that.
All looks fine there
and what about the section below that, where it shows what groups are in this staff role and what department(s) it applies to?
That's the kicker, it may seem all correct but something has to be missed for it to not work correctly. I actually just setup a quick test based on what you have and its working correctly.

If you can post a screen shot of the permission you have for your global mods, maybe I can spot it for you.
Double check your permission in SimpleDesk, make sure that all your permissions are set correctly, primarily "View own" vs "view any". also ensure that each role User vs Staff are assigned to your departments correctly.

By reading what you wrote it sounds about right but i'm going to guess something was missed.
Create a member group in smf called 'example site client', create a user role in sd and maybe call it the same thing
Now create a member group called 'example site staff', create a staff role called the same thing.

Set your permissions carefully for the user and staff roles you created and ensure they have access to the same department.

You may also want to create a department called 'example site' this way only the users and staff of example site can access those tickets
Site Comments / Re: CAPTCHA
December 05, 2015, 11:59:57 PM
Maybe, but unless Sleepy feels like changing it everyone's gotta struggle thru the 5 :P
Site Comments / Re: CAPTCHA
December 05, 2015, 09:47:46 AM
It goes away after x number of posts.
You're welcome
this may help

Quote from: Spoogs on April 26, 2011, 02:24:13 PM
I know this is a bit longwinded and redundant and also restates the obvious

    In SimpleDesk Roles and Permissions go hand in hand. We have introduced a powerful but flexible permission system which allows you to take full control of what your members are allowed to do in your helpdesk.

    The installation guide provides information on creating roles, here we will provide additional information about roles and permissions. The permission system is very powerful and it is recommended that you review all permissions carefully when you create or edit a role. The default permission settings are based on what we believe to be logical in a helpdesk environment; however this does not meant it is logical for you.

    Creating a Role:
    • Navigate to 'Permissions' located in SimpleDesk's ACP
    • Selct from the templates the type of Role you want to create Helpdesk Users, Helpdesk Staff, or Helpdesk Administrator
      - (You will be directed to the create new role screen)
    • Enter the name of the role you wish to create
    • Select the 'Create New Role' button
      - (Your role is now created, you will be presented with addition setting to define your newly created role)
    • Permissions are collapsed by default, you may expand each set of permissions by either clicking on the permission's title or by clicking the upshrink icon "+"
      (You may expand each permission set all at once or one at a time if you so prefer)
    General helpdesk permissions
    • What tickets can users see?
      None - Users with this permission will not be able to view any tickets
      Their own tickets - Users with this permission will be able to view only the tickets they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission will be able to view any tickets created
    • What private tickets can users see? (Private tickets are.....)
      None - Users with this permission will not be able to view any private ticket
      Own private tickets - Users with this permission will be able to view only the tickets they created that are marked private
      Any private ticket - Users with this permission will be able to view any ticket that is marked private
    • View IP addresses (Be very careful who you allow to view IP addresses)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission will not be able to view any IP addresses, including their own
      Only their own - Users with this permission will be able to view only their own IP addresses
      Anyone's - Users with this permission will be able to view anyones IP addresses
    • Can users see closed tickets? (When a ticket is marked resolved it is moved to the closed ticket section)
      No - users with this permission will not be able to view closed tickets, even if they crested the ticket
      Own closed tickets - Users with this permission will be able to view closed tickets only if they created the ticket
      Any closed tickets - Users with this permission will be able to view any closed tickets
    Ticket/reply posting
    • Post new tickets
      Allowed - Users with this permission are allowed to create new tickets
      Not Allowed - Users with this permission are not allowed to create new tickets
    • Edit ticket details - (Note that a user must be able to see a ticket to be able to edit it)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot edit tickets even if they created the ticket
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can only edit tickets they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can edit any ticket
    • Reply to tickets - (note that a user has to be able to see a ticket to be able to reply to it)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot post a reply to tickets, even if they created the ticket
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can only post replies to tickets they started
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can post a reply to any ticket
    • Edit ticket replies
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot edit replies to a ticket, even if they posted the reply
      Own replies - Users with this permission can only edit replies they posted
      Any replies - Users with this permission can edit any replies to a ticket.
    • Post proxy tickets - (A proxy ticket is a ticket created on behalf of another user)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot create a ticket on behalf of another user
      Allowed - Users with this permission can create tickets on behalf of another user
      - (Note that a ticket created on a user's behalf will belong to the user on whose behalf the ticket was created and not the person who physically created the ticket)
    • Override custom fields - (This option only appears when editing a ticket or reply)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission will not be able to ignore 'required' custom fields when editing a ticket or reply
      Allowed - Users with this permission will be able to ignore 'required' custom fields when editing a ticket or replies
      (Note that the users must first attempt to submit the edited ticket it reply with the 'required' field left empty, they will the be shown a checkbox with the option to ignore the fields)
    The recycle bin and ticket/reply deletion - (Deleted tickets and replies are moved to the recycle bin)
    • Access recycling bin
      Not Allowed - Users with this permission are cannot access the recycle bin
      Allowed - Users with this permission can access the recycle bin
    • Delete a ticket
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot delete tickets, even if they created the ticket
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can only delete tickets they created
      Any tickets - users with this permission can delete any ticket
    • Delete ticket replies
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot delete any replies to a ticket, even if they posted the reply
      Own replies - Users with this permission can delete only the replies they posted to a ticket
      Any replies - Users with this permission can delete any replies to any tickets
    • Restore deleted tickets - (Tickets that are deleted may be restored)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot restore a deleted ticket, even they they created the ticket or if they deleted the ticket
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can only restore a deleted if they created the ticket
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can restore any deleted ticket
    • Restore deleted replies - (Replies that are deleted may be restored)
      Not Allowed - Users with this permission cannot restore a deleted reply, even if it's a reply they posted or if they deleted the reply
      Own replies - Users with this permission can only restore a deleted reply only if its a reply they posted
      Any replies - Users with this permission can delete any deleted reply
    • Permanently delete items - (Items that are permanently deleted cannot be retrieved or restored)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot permanently delete tickets or replies
      Allowed - Users with this permission can permanently delete tickets or replies from the recycle bin
    Attachments to tickets and replies
    • View attachments
      Not Allowed - Users with this permission cannot view attachments posted in tickets or replies
      Allowed - Users with this permission can view attachments posted in tickets and replies
    • Post attachments
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot post attachments in tickets or replies
      Allowed - Users with this permission can posts attachments in tickets and replies
    • Delete attachments - (note that users with permission to delete tickets and/or replies will override these permissions only when a ticket or reply is being deleted)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot delete attachments from tickets or replies
      Allowed - Users with this permission can delete attachments from posts or replies
    User profiles and options
    • View helpdesk profiles
      None - Users with this permission will not be able to view anyone's helpdesk profile, including their own
      Only their own - Users with this permission can view only their helpdesk profile
      Anyone's - Users with this permission can view all helpdesk profiles
    • View profile action logs - (The profile action log is a snapshot of the actions a user has taken on tickets they can access)
      None - Users with this permission cannot view the action log in any users profile area, including their own
      Only their own - Users with this permission can view the action log in only their profiles area
      Anyone's - Users with this permission can view the action log in anyone's profile area
      - (User must also have permission to view helpdesk profile in order to view profile action logs)
    • View user preferences - (Users that can view preferences can also edit them)
      None - Users with this permission cannot view or edit preferences in any users profile area, including their own
      Only their own - Users with this permission can view and edit preferences only in their profile area
      Anyone's - Users with this permission can view and edit preferences in any users profile area
      - (User must also have permission to view helpdesk profile in order to view and edit preferences)
    Ticket actions
    • Mark a ticket resolved - (Tickets marked as resolved are moved to the closed tickets section of the helpdesk)
      No tickets - Users with this permission cannot mark tickets as resolved, even if they created the ticket
      Their own tickets - Users with this permission can mark tickets as resolved, only if it they created the ticket
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can mark tickets as resolved regardless of who created the ticket
      - (Note that tickets marked as resolved cannot be edited by anyone)
    • Mark a ticket unresolved - (User must also have permission to view closed tickets)
      No tickets - Users with this permission cannot mark tickets as unresolved, even if they created the ticket or marked it as resolved
      Their own tickets - Users with this permission can mark tickets as unresolved, only if they created the ticket
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can mark any ticket as resolved regardless of who created the ticket
      - (Note that a resolved/closed ticket must be marked as unresolved in order to continue editing)
    • View ticket action logs - (The ticket action log provides a snapshot of all actions taken on a ticket)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot view the mini action log in any tickets, including their own
      For own tickets - Users with this permission can view the mini action on in tickets they created
      For any tickets - Users with this permission can view the mini action log in any ticket, regardless of who created the ticket
    • Change ticket urgency - (This permission allows users set urgency level to a max of 'High')
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot change the urgency of a ticket, even if it's a ticket they created
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can set the urgency levels up to 'High' only for tickets they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can set the urgency levels up to 'High' for tickets created by anyone
    • Change to 'higher' urgencies (This permission allows users to set urgency levels above 'High')
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot set urgency levels above 'High' on a ticket, even if it's a ticket they created
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can set urgency levels above 'High' on a ticket, only if it's a ticket they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can set urgency levels above 'High' on any ticket, regardless of who created the ticket
      - (Note that user must also have permission to change ticket urgency)
    • Change ticket privacy (User must also have have permission to view private tickets)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot change the privacy status of a ticket, even if they created the ticket
      Own tickets - Users with this permission can change the privacy status of a ticket, only if its a ticket they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can change the privacy status of a ticket, regardless of who created the ticket
    • Assign a ticket - (User must be in a staff role to access this permission)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot assign ticket to anyone, including themselves
      To themselves - Users with this permission can only assign tickets to themselves, they may also unassign from themselves to 'Unassigned' status
      Any staff member - Users with this permission can assign tickets to any staff member, they may also unassign from any staff member to 'Unassigned' status or reassign to another staff member
    Relationships between tickets
    • View relationships
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot view relationship between tickets
      Allowed - User with this permission can view relationships between tickets
    • Create relationships
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot create relationships between tickets
      Allowed - Users with this permission can create relationships between tickets
      - (Note that this permission will grant users access to view ticket relationships) Might be a bug
    • Remove relationships - (User must also have permission to view ticket relationships)
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot remove relationships between tickets
      Allowed - Users with this permission can remove relationships between tickets
    Ticket moderation and management
    • Move tickets to topics
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot move tickets from the helpdesk to a topic in a forum board
      Allowed - Users with this permission can move tickets from the helpdesk to a topic in a forum board
      - (note that users can only move tickets they can see, to boards they can access, ticket author does not have to be able to access the board)
    • Move topics to tickets
      Not allowed - Users with this permission cannot move topics from the forum to the helpdesk
      Allowed - Users with this permission can move topic from a forum board to the helpdesk
      - (Note thats users can only move topics from a forum board they can access to a department they can access, the post author does not have to be able to access the department the ticket is being moved to)
    • Move tickets between departments - (User must have access to more than one departments to access this permission)
      No tickets - Users with this permission cannot move tickets between departments
      Their own tickets - Users with permission can move tickets between departments, only if it's a ticket they created
      Any tickets - Users with this permission can move any tickets between departments, regardless of who created the ticket
      - (Note that users can only move tickets to and from departments they can see)
      - (Also note that users with permission to move any ticket can move tickets to departments the ticket author cannot access)

    Now that we have setup our permissions
    • Select the membergroups that are associated with this role
    • Select the departments this role can access
      - (If you have not yet created your departments, don't worry, you can associate roles from the department screen when you create a department

  • The permissions you select will only affect the membergroups you associate with the role
  • Membergroups can be associated with multiple roles
  • To access the helpdesk a role must be associated with at least one department
  • A role can be associated with multiple departments
  • If a member is associated with more than one roles within a department, all their highest allowed permissions among their roles will be active in that department
  • Helpdesk User and Helpdesk Staff roles will adhere to the permissions you set
    Helpdesk Administrator roles have all permissions enabled by default and has full access to the ACP
  • ................

Double check your permissions to make sure they are as what you want
  • Select the 'Edit Role' button... your new role has now been created
Yes, you just have to create the roles carefully and ensure the right groups are in the roles you want to be able to see the tickets.