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Topics - venguard223

The profile area showing the entire editing history of someone can be pretty cool. Not so cool if you get a white screen of death because too much memory got eaten in PHP.

So, let's fix that with some pagination. Bit more complex a fix this, two files needed.

Firstly, SimpleDesk-Profile.php

Code (find) Select
function shd_profile_actionlog($memID)
global $context, $txt, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $user_info, $settings;


require_once($sourcedir . '/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php');
$context['action_log'] = shd_load_action_log_entries(0, 10, '', '', 'la.id_member = ' . $memID);
$context['action_log_count'] = shd_count_action_log_entries('la.id_member = ' . $memID);
$context['action_full_log'] = allowedTo('admin_forum') || shd_allowed_to('admin_helpdesk', 0);

$context['page_title'] = $txt['shd_profile_area'] . ' - ' . $txt['shd_profile_actionlog'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'shd_profile_actionlog';


(your copy may or may not have that odd empty line... just replace the entire function definition)

Code (replace) Select
function shd_profile_actionlog($memID)
global $context, $txt, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $user_info, $settings;


require_once($sourcedir . '/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php');
$context['action_log_count'] = shd_count_action_log_entries('la.id_member = ' . $memID);
$context['displaypage'] = 30;
$context['start'] = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : 0;
if ($context['start'] < 0 || $context['start'] >= $context['action_log_count'])
$context['start'] = 0;
$context['action_log'] = shd_load_action_log_entries($context['start'], $context['displaypage'], '', '', 'la.id_member = ' . $memID);
$context['action_full_log'] = allowedTo('admin_forum') || shd_allowed_to('admin_helpdesk', 0);
$context['page_index'] = shd_no_expand_pageindex($scripturl . '?action=profile;area=hd_actionlog;u=' . $memID, $context['start'], $context['action_log_count'], $context['displaypage']);
$context['page_title'] = $txt['shd_profile_area'] . ' - ' . $txt['shd_profile_actionlog'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'shd_profile_actionlog';

This does the actual pagination under the hood. Now we have to display it.


function template_shd_profile_actionlog()
global $context, $settings, $txt, $scripturl;

echo '
<div class="tborder">
<div class="cat_bar grid_header">
<h3 class="catbg" id="ticket_log_header">
<img src="', $settings['default_images_url'], '/simpledesk/log.png" class="icon" alt="*" />
', sprintf($txt['shd_profile_log'], $context['member']['name']), '
<span class="smalltext">(', $context['action_log_count'] == 1 ? $txt['shd_profile_log_count_one'] : sprintf($txt['shd_profile_log_count_more'], $context['action_log_count']) , ')</span>

Code (replace) Select
function template_shd_profile_actionlog()
global $context, $settings, $txt, $scripturl;

echo '
<div class="title_bar">
<h3 class="titlebg">
<span class="smalltext">', $txt['pages'], ': ', $context['page_index'], '</span>
<div class="tborder">
<div class="cat_bar grid_header">
<h3 class="catbg" id="ticket_log_header">
<img src="', $settings['default_images_url'], '/simpledesk/log.png" class="icon" alt="*" />
', sprintf($txt['shd_profile_log'], $context['member']['name']), '
<span class="smalltext">(', $context['action_log_count'] == 1 ? $txt['shd_profile_log_count_one'] : sprintf($txt['shd_profile_log_count_more'], $context['action_log_count']) , ')</span>

It's not pretty but it should give you pagination on the profile area log.
tfs asked me to look at this, where large text custom fields were re-encoding br tags unnecessarily.

I'd submit a pull request to Github about this but I'm wary of doing it because I see other changes that I don't like the look of. But first, the SMF 2.0 / SD 2.0 changes. These should be good for any current version out there.

Very simple, one change to Subs-SimpleDeskPost.php, line 846 onwards.

Code (find) Select
if (isset($field_values[$row['id_field']]))
if ($context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['type'] == CFIELD_TYPE_MULTI)
$field_values[$row['id_field']] = explode(',', $field_values[$row['id_field']]);
$context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['value'] = $field_values[$row['id_field']];

Code (replace) Select
if (isset($field_values[$row['id_field']]))
if ($context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['type'] == CFIELD_TYPE_MULTI)
$field_values[$row['id_field']] = explode(',', $field_values[$row['id_field']]);
if ($context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['type'] == CFIELD_TYPE_LARGETEXT)
$field_values[$row['id_field']] = un_preparsecode($field_values[$row['id_field']]);
$context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['value'] = $field_values[$row['id_field']];

Just add those two lines before the final line of that block.

Now for what's in Github. Github looks like it's been modified for SMF 2.1 - I don't know if it's properly compatible, but I imagine it probably is since the work's been by emanuele.

The relevant block in Github is:
if (isset($field_values[$row['id_field']]))
if ($context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['type'] == CFIELD_TYPE_MULTI)
$field_values[$row['id_field']] = explode(',', $field_values[$row['id_field']]);

// Large text boxes may need fixing.
if ($context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['type'] == CFIELD_TYPE_LARGETEXT)
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Editor.php');

$field_values[$row['id_field']] = html_to_bbc($field_values[$row['id_field']]);

$context['ticket_form']['custom_fields'][$loc][$row['id_field']]['value'] = $field_values[$row['id_field']];

I can only imagine that the html_to_bbc call is for the benefit of this fix, and that it should be what I've suggested above, however I don't know if other changes to the custom fields were made that meant it does have HTML parsing (I never gave it HTML parsing, only BBC parsing) so I don't want to submit a pull request in case it's irrelevant, but this is certainly something to think about.

I've tested this change locally and it works for me (and I can't seem to break it) but I can't believe I didn't spot it before somehow, there aren't any comments from me in the source reflecting it, put it that way.
I find it interesting that just about every support request is how to configure the permissions.

I shouldn't have done what I did with them, but I dunno, I couldn't think of anything that actually worked better... and in the two years since I wrote it, I still can't think of anything better to do the job that did.

But I feel bad for all the support issues because people don't understand it :(